about v6 under TAHI test.

Trehan, Swati swati.trehan at capgemini.com
Fri Aug 5 12:07:59 UTC 2011

Hi Wang

You have mentioned that you tested ISC DHCPv6 with TAHI. I'm trying to do exactly the same but facing some difficulties. Can you help me with the following things:-

I've downloaded v6eval-3.3.2.tar.gz and DHCPv6_Self_Test_P2_1_1_3.tgz but these packages do not build on Linux since they're for BSD. Where can I find a Linux version or a patch to make them build and install on Linux.

If you were using different versions of these, please share the version no. and patches for that version.

I get from the documentation of TAHI that to test DHCPv6 Conformance, this suite should be fine. However, It'll be good if you can suggest some alternate tools.

Thanks and Regards
Swati Trehan

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