How to update zone with dnssec-policy

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Wed Jul 5 10:16:06 UTC 2023

Hi Nick,

Am 04.07.2023 um 08:17 schrieb Nick Tait via bind-users:
> It looks like nobody solved your /original/ problem? If you are still 
> looking for an answer it might help if you posted some logs? The 
> people on this list are good at interpreting any errors you're seeing. :-)
thanks a lot for your answer. Yes I do not got an answer to my question, 
but if I use another process to work-around the problem is also fine.
And using nsdiff is maybe even a better process as it brings many 
advantages in itself.

In some days if the process is clear and all is running and tested, I 
know more ;)



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