9.11, 9.16 and ESV designation

John Thurston john.thurston at alaska.gov
Wed Jan 26 16:52:49 UTC 2022

We're running mostly 9.11, with a couple of hosts running 9.16. We've 
been sticking with 9.11 while we waited for 9.16 to be labeled the 
Extended Support Version (ESV). The recent announcement of 9.18 made me 
go digging to learn . .. 9.16 _is_ the ESV and 9.11 is EOL and will no 
longer be supported after March 2022!

> Here are our current ESV versions and their EOL dates:
> BIND 9.11 is our out-going Stable/Extended Support Version, currently in EOL status, supported until March, 2022.
> BIND 9.16 is our current Stable/ESV version.
> BIND 9.18 is our newest Stable version.

That document was last updated on Jan 5, 2022, so this news is at least 
three weeks old. I don't recall seeing anything on the "Announce" 
mailing list regarding the change in ESV designation. Nor do I see any 
difference in the COPR packages:


which continue to offer 9.11.

Now, I don't expect my 9.11 installation to give me any trouble, and I 
don't expect it suddenly stop working in April. But I do expect someone 
with a clipboard and checklist to drag me over the coals if they 
discover I'm running an "end of life" version without a mitigation plan.

So I gotta start sketching paths from 9.11 -> 9.16 and 9.16 -> 9.18. To 
assist me in that, I'm looking for answers to two questions:

A) Where was the ESV-switch announced? (I though I had my bases covered 
by subscribing to 'announce' and 'user' mailing lists. I need to find 
and plug this communication hole.)

B) What are the plans for the 'bind-esv' COPR? (Will it soon start 
serving 9.16? Do I need to manually switch from 'bind-esv' to 'bind'? Is 
COPR dead?)

Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
John.Thurston at alaska.gov
Department of Administration
State of Alaska

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