9.11, 9.16 and ESV designation

Victoria Risk vicky at isc.org
Wed Jan 26 17:27:57 UTC 2022

Hi John,

> That document was last updated on Jan 5, 2022, so this news is at least three weeks old. I don't recall seeing anything on the "Announce" mailing list regarding the change in ESV designation.

> Nor do I see any difference in the COPR packages:
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/isc/bind-esv/
> which continue to offer 9.11.
> A) Where was the ESV-switch announced? (I though I had my bases covered by subscribing to 'announce' and 'user' mailing lists. I need to find and plug this communication hole.)

This is my fault. I am sorry. 

I posted a blog last June, in which we declared 9.16 ESV (and started marking it that way on the downloads page and in the release notes). https://www.isc.org/blogs/bind-update-summer2021/ <https://www.isc.org/blogs/bind-update-summer2021/>

We do try to keep the matrix showing EOL dates current here: https://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-00896 <https://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-00896>, and that hasn’t been changed since last summer, when we finally declared 9.16 ESV, 6 months after the point at which we would normally have done so. 

Normally, we would also send some reminders to the list(s) when we are at T-3 months from EOL. 2021 was a difficult year in more ways than one, and apparently, we didn’t do this. My only excuse, which is a weak one, is that I was reluctant to pull the plug on 9.11 until we were more confident that 9.16 was really solid, so I put it off. However, even though we failed to remind the list, we haven’t changed the 9.11 EOL date, it has been set for ages. 

I will send a note to bind-announce pointing out that it is time to move off of 9.11.

> B) What are the plans for the 'bind-esv' COPR? (Will it soon start serving 9.16? Do I need to manually switch from 'bind-esv' to 'bind'? Is COPR dead?)

Good question. This is admittedly confusing. 

We already have 3 BIND versions in our packages, bind, bind-dev and bind-esv. We have just a brief overlap here between 9.11 and 9.18, but we don’t want to create yet another repo.  Because we are still patching 9.11, and we haven’t yet issued a new dev branch, we are putting 9.18.0 into the bind-dev repo, for now.

In April, we plan to do a version rollover:
- bind-esv will go from 9.11 to 9.16
- bind will go from 9.16 to 9.18
- bind-dev will go from 9.18.1 to 9.19.0

I hope this helps.


Vicky Risk

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