What happens when a domain is moved but the old nameservers still answer?

Eivind Olsen eivind at aminor.no
Wed Nov 23 11:41:15 UTC 2005

(I'm sending this to the list, I forgot to change the to-field, so this 
mail originally only went directly to Mark Andrews.)

Mark Andrews wrote:
> 	The expected mode of operation is for the old servers to
> 	serve the new zone content.
> 	If they don't do that then for the old servers to be
> 	decommisioned.

Decommisioned, as in powered down? Or just that they don't answer
authoritatively anymore, and instead give a normal non-auth. answer
pointing to the new nameservers instead?

> 	It is not expected that there will be multiple authoritative
> 	sources that are deliberately being kept out of sync.

In this case I'm seing here, my guess is that they've moved from one
DNS-hosting provider to another, and didn't think about asking their old
provider to unconfigure their domain-name from the old nameservers,
after all, the domain is no longer delegated to the old nameservers and
so shouldn't normally be asked about the domain name anyway.

Regards / Hilsen
Eivind Olsen
<eivind at aminor.no>

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