What happens when a domain is moved but the old nameservers still answer?

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at isc.org
Wed Nov 23 11:26:47 UTC 2005

> Hello.
> What's supposed to happen when a domain is moved from one set of 
> nameservers to another, and the old ones still give out the old data?
> For example, let's say I have a caching nameserver called 
> "ns.aminor.no", and it has cached some information about the domain name 
> "boardgamerules.org", for example let's say it is delegated to 
> dns1.somedomain and dns2.somedomain. Then the owners of 
> "boardgamerules.org" changes the delegation so it resides on two new 
> nameservers, dns1.example.com and dns2.example.com, but the two old 
> nameservers still answer authoritatively and claim to still be the 
> nameservers for that domain.
> If the caching nameserver implementation just goes one step up to verify 
> the data, it would be like "The previous nameservers were 
> dns1.example.com and dns2.example.com, let's ask them again".
> Does anyone know which standards have anything to say about how this is 
> supposed to be handled? Is the caching nameserver required to start at 
> the root so it can pick up the new nameservers or is it allowed to ask 
> the previous nameservers?
> -- 
> Regards / Hilsen
> Eivind Olsen
> <eivind at aminor.no>

	The expected mode of operation is for the old servers to
	serve the new zone content.

	If they don't do that then for the old servers to be

	It is not expected that there will be multiple authoritative
	sources that are deliberately being kept out of sync.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at isc.org

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