change default port 53 to unprivileged one

Danfeng Yao dyao at
Wed Apr 13 14:55:34 UTC 2005

Hello, everyone:
	I just set up two BIND name servers:  one primary (master) and one
secondary (slave). The configurations are quite simple, as I am still
learning to use BIND. I want to replace the default port 53 to an
unprivileged port (e.g. 1234) for all needs. I run named on port 1234 (-p
1234) and also configured named.conf for both.  However, the primary
server still tries to notify the secondary server at port 53, and the
secondary still tries to connect the master at port 53.
	Can someone give me a hint on how to fix this? Here is part of my
named.conf for the master name server (, which is set up as an
authoritative name server.

options {
        directory "/u/mylocal/var/named";
        pid-file "/u/mylocal/var/run/";
        statistics-file "/u/mylocal/var/run/named.stats";
        dump-file       "/u/mylocal/var/run/named.db";
        version "not currently available";
        recursion no;
        notify yes;
	allow-transfer { };
        listen-on port 1234 {;;};
        query-source address * port 1234;
        transfer-source * port 1234;
        notify-source * port 1234;

The slave named.conf is similar, with the addition of the following two
allow-notify {;};
allow-transfer {"none";};

Here is some debug info from the master (
13-Apr-2005 10:28:14.620 zone notify to
failed: timed out
13-Apr-2005 10:28:14.620 zone notify to
retries exceeded

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