Linux DNS

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed May 26 21:58:51 UTC 2004

Jose wrote:

>I would like to know why is it that after IT switched over to linux DNS 
>servers me and all my fellow co workers keep getting disconnected from any 
>shares we might be connected to and if we are already logged into the 
>network when I open up Outlook it prompts me to login again after I already 
>did.  Sometimes it says that it cannot find the domain I am trying to log 
>in.  Ever since they moved W2K DNS we have been having this problem.  Could 
>someone point me into the right direction so I can try to help them and 
>hopefully appliy for a helpdesk corrdinators position down there.  Thanks
Well, it's not entirely clear that all of those problems -- or any of 
them, for that matter -- are DNS-related. But if they are, I think you 
primarily have Microsoft to blame for making products that are not 
easily and seamlessly interoperable with third-party DNS implementations.

                                          - Kevin

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