CNAME and other data -vs- could not find NS and/or SOA records

phil-news-nospam at phil-news-nospam at
Thu Jun 3 17:59:23 UTC 2004

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 22:46:04 -0400 Barry Margolin <barmar at> wrote:
| In article <c9len1$84a$1 at>, phil-news-nospam at wrote:
|> On Tue, 01 Jun 2004 19:10:43 +0100 Jim Reid <jim at> wrote:
|> |>>>>> "Phil" == phil-news-nospam  <phil-news-nospam at> writes:
|> | 
|> |    Phil> I have a domain (several of them, actually) in which I need
|> |    Phil> to CNAME them to another domain (which is under someone
|> |    Phil> else's authority).
|> | 
|> | The DNS does not allow domains to be CNAMEd, to use your terminology.
|> | I believe you've been told this already.
|> But it has been done before.  Obviously it was in violation of the RFC,
|> but when it was done, it had the desired (and I think quite obvious)
|> effect.
| Are you sure it actually worked?  As the administrator of a slave 
| server, I've run into many occasions where zone transfers were failing 
| because the master server had a CNAME record for the zone name.

What all I could see did work.  If the server doing the zone transfer so
it could run as authoritative didn't like a CNAME record there, I can see
how that would not work.  If the issue is simply that some servers won't
accept it while others do, and someone wants to use it, then they are
going to have to use the servers that will do it.  I won't be using zone
transfers, so it won't be an issue for me.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN       | |
| (first name) at | |

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