no IPv6 interfaces found

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Aug 24 15:02:37 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Jeroen" == Jeroen van Meeuwen <kanarip at> writes:

    Jeroen> Jim, since you're the most experienced by far, am I
    Jeroen> correct to presume BIND wouldn't be able to check for IPv6
    Jeroen> interfaces, when the system it's running on doesn't have a
    Jeroen> clue what IPv6 is, let alone return 'no interfaces'? So
    Jeroen> BIND wouldn't report errors or notices anymore?

I had hoped my earlier explanation was clear enough. BIND does not
explicitly check for IPv6 interfaces. It issues an SIOCGIFCONF ioctl()
to discover *all* the network interfaces on the host. That's generally
how this gets done on a UNIX system. If you consider this probe to be
"checking", then of course the name server won't be able to find IPv6
interfaces when the OS has no IPv6 support. The name server can issue
the ioctl() which the kernel will fail in some way. And it won't know
until it issues the ioctl if the OS has IPv6 or not.

When the name server's debug logging is turned on high enough, it logs
a message when it can't find any IPv6 interfaces. That's all. Marten
considers this a bug. Since most platforms have IPv6 support these
days and debug logging is rarely switched on -- and almost always to
help troubleshoot something -- hardly anyone sees this log
message. And even fewer of them care.

The message that's upset Marten would go away if he switched off debug
level logging.

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