install wrong???

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Nov 21 15:26:58 UTC 2001

>>>>> "hugh1" == hugh1  <weiwe1 at> writes:

    hugh1> i download bind-9.2.0rc8 and install it on the machine 
    hugh1> In mine dir i unzip and untar it , and type " ./configure "
    hugh1> and type " make"

    hugh1> and change to root to run " make install".

    hugh1> but i can not find "/etc/named.conf" i can not find
    hugh1> ""

    hugh1>     i do not know where some files located!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hugh1>     why the install answer not same as README!

Why do you think that the installation process can predict every
possible detail of the configuration of your name server?????????

You have to create the named.conf file yourself (ie define your local
server's configuration: what zones it servers, etc). Some sample
named.conf files are provided in the documentation. Unless you provide
a valid named.conf file, the name server won't start which means it
can't create a file. For one thing, the pathname for that
file could be defined in the options{} block of named.conf.

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