Why are they asking for both the DNS server and the IP?

Jackrabbit Slim jackrabbit at taxplus.net
Tue Dec 4 19:35:54 UTC 2001

So if my dsl provider (Pacbell) has assigned me a host name of
"adsl-123-456-789-123.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net" should I put that into the
first field?

or should I put www.mydomain.com in there assuming that the ip address I put
into the second field will make it stick?

Could I leave the first field blank and still expect it to work?

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users-bounce at isc.org [mailto:bind-users-bounce at isc.org]On
Behalf Of Brad Davis
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:15 AM
To: Jackrabbit Slim; bind-users at isc.org
Subject: Re: Why are they asking for both the DNS server and the IP?

you want to do it the second way...

first DNS: should be the host and domain name of the box.. aka
first IP: the ip address of the dns server

----- Original Message -----
From: Jackrabbit Slim <jitterbuggin at balboafeet.com>
To: <bind-users at isc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:48 AM
Subject: Why are they asking for both the DNS server and the IP?

> I have a domain registered that I want to point to my Linux box.  When I
> to change the DNS entry for the domain there are 4 fields I can fill in:
> First DNS:
> First IP:
> Second DNS:
> Second IP:
> I have set up the most simple case... both BIND and Apache on my single
> Linux box at 123.456.789.123.  I should be able to just fill in a single
> of those 4 fields to point to the named server on the box right?  Like so:
> First DNS: 123.456.789.123
> First IP:
> Second DNS:
> Second IP:
> or should it be like this?:
> First DNS:
> First IP: 123.456.789.123
> Second DNS:
> Second IP:
> My question here is that I don't really understand why they ask for both
> DNS server and an IP.  Which one I should fill in?

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