New 9.1.1 install on Redhat 7.1 named.conf help

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Apr 19 18:50:15 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Bodley <Bodley at> writes:

    Charles> I have just installed Bind 9.1.1 on A brand new Redhat
    Charles> 7.1 box. Once I found the man pages I looked for a sample
    Charles> named.conf file. There were about 30 to choose from. I'm
    Charles> asking a question about the
    Charles> /bind-9.9.9/bon/tests/named.conf file. Under Zone
    Charles> "" it has option allow-update { none; };

These are not meant to be sample config files. They are part of the
BIND9 test suite.

    Charles> Wouldn't a slave server need to be updated? 

Yes, but not with Dynamic Update, which is what the allow-update
clause is all about.

    Charles> should none be the IP of the master? 

No. Dynamic Updates should be done on the master server if they are to
be done at all.

    Charles> Also are all the entry's at the beginning of the file 
    Charles> necessary?

What entries? Where? [Who cares?] Presumably anything in one of the
test named.conf files is there for a reason. Whether those reasons are
germane to your setup or not, only you can tell.

    Charles> Or can I ftp the old  named.conf from my 8.2.3 server and
    Charles> run it?

Maybe, but it depends on the file. There are some subtle changes
between BIND8 and BIND9. For example an error in the config file will
make BIND9 terminate. See doc/misc/migration for some advice. Run the
BIND8 config file through named-checkconf to check for errors.

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