newbie question -- simple dns

Len Conrad lconrad at
Tue Sep 19 08:43:48 UTC 2000

>Couldn't be permissions because just for testing I set the file to
>/var/named/ and made the permissions in that directory rwxrwxrwx.
>It's as if anything I do in the named.conf file is not being payed
>attention to.

my dig is saying "1 server found", and I guess you see named in "ps 
aux | grep named"?

>I'm not sure, but it's just not creating any file.  It's
>acting very strange.

"it" is BIND 8.2.2 p5 ?

>But, I know it has to be at least working partially
>because I have only localhost set as a nameserver in resolv.conf, and I
>can connect to all regularly known hosts.

It is answering recursive quereies for non malichi domains so named is alive.

without a, I'm a little blind to see what the errors are.


used by the DNS client aka resolver


what's that?


This looked ok earlier.  Look at the startup scripts to make sure 
named is being pointed at your config path/file.

man named

for startup options


looked ok


db.cache is the bind8 convetional name for the


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