bind-9 and static

Mark.Andrews at Mark.Andrews at
Wed Sep 20 22:47:22 UTC 2000

	What benefit is there in running it as static?

	There was a marginal setup benefit with BIND8 and running chroot
	but BIND 9 no longer has a named-xfer hence no benefit.

	CFLAGS="..." ./configure


> Hi all,
> I've got bind-9 compiled and running on a RH62 box, but would like to
> investigate running it in a chroot with a static named.
> However, the configuration has changed so drastically from 8.2.2, I'm
> unable to determine exactly where this should be configured. I'm currently
> using:
> # ./configure --with-libtool --enable-static
> which compiles the libraries statically, but not the binaries. If I
> recreate the gcc line that was used to link named with -static, it works
> correctly, but I just can't figure out where it is best placed within the
> Makefiles/configure scripts.
> Also, is it required for the actual named binary to be within the chrooted
> environment, or does the '-t /path' supply everything that's necessary for
> this to be done?
> Thanks,
> Dave
Mark Andrews, Nominum Inc.
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at

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