Reverse Problem

Jim Reid jim at
Sat Aug 12 09:06:11 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Jenkins <jjenkins at> writes:

    Jason> Hello, I just bought a dsl line with 5 ips. After
    Jason> completing the process of getting reverse authority from my
    Jason> ISP, registering, and setting up bind I cannot do reverse
    Jason> lookups outside my nameserver. I am just looking for any
    Jason> ideas of what the problem may be? I am thinking its a
    Jason> delegation problem with my ISP, but they keep saying that
    Jason> they did it properly.

Well since you didn't provide the IP addresses, it's impossible for
anyone here to know if there's a delegation problem at your ISP or
not.  What do you mean by "cannot do reverse lookups outside my
nameserver"? Is your name server unable to do any reverse lookups? Or
is it failing to do reverse lookups for your 5 IP addresses? Or are
reverse lookups for them working but everything else fails? All of
these possibilities tend to suggest your local name server is broken
or misconfigured in some way. If you post the config and zone files,
someone might be able to offer some help.

    Jason> To add to this, I do a ndc status and its says that the
    Jason> server is NOT loading its configuration. However there are
    Jason> no errors in the /var/log/messages and I can do both
    Jason> reverse and forward lookups from the machine. Any
    Jason> suggestions?

This is the normal, if badly worded, status message. The server is
running normally and isn't reading named.conf or loading a zone file.
IIUC a clearer status message will be printed in the next release.

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