Have to allow AXFR from oldns3.granitecanyon.com? Was-Re: soa.granitecanyon.com down?

Steve Senator sts at thera.senator.org
Wed Sep 22 08:19:04 UTC 1999

kcary at my-deja.com writes:
 > Does anyone know:
 > Is there a lag in the documentation?


 > Do I need to allow transfers by oldns3 (short term/long term)?

Yes. for the short term. Thanks for reminding us.

 > As an aside, their news service is down for lack of hardware. This seems
 > to limit support (and password resets) as that was supposed to happen
 > through the community in the newsgroups.

Yes, but motivated folks to find us and we try to get to it as much
as our time allows.

 > There is an appeal on the website for hardware; I'm sure they don't want
 > to email their RP for the thousands of domains they serve in direct
 > appeal. I remember when the info-mac list appealed for harware to host
 > the archives...response was pretty quick. Too bad there isn't a similar
 > push mechanism in place here.
 > If anyone from granitecanyon or their friends reads this--a few thoughts:
 > -Commercially supported, but reliable, what about a deja hosted newsgroup
 > dedicated to password-reset and help for granitecanyon?
 > -What about establishing an opt-in status update listserv, perhaps hosted
 > by a volunteer, which would send minimally some monthly stats, but also,
 > as needed, status changes. Put the appeal for news hardware in the .sig.

Thanks for the suggestions.

We're actually in the process of building up an upgraded web host,
which will free the necessary resources for a replacement news server.

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