stomping forwarders

Randy Bush randy at
Thu Dec 16 16:05:25 UTC 1999

>      o it does not *aggressively* attack the folk pointing their resolvers
>        at me.
> Why is this necessary?  Isn't it enough not to respond?  Why would they
> continue to point their resolvers to your server if you don't give them
> answers?

probably because they're idiots of some flavor, but i really do not know or,
for that matter, care.  all i know is that they persist despite not getting

>      o the particular server has about 10,000 zones, most of which come in
>        via (authenticated) emailed $include files which would be crufty to
>        hack
> You don't need to hack the zone files, it's all in the named.conf file.

the $includes are in named.conf and pull in massive chunks of more

> Please stop cc'ing responses to me, like I request in my postings.  It's
> very annoying when I read a message in email and then later see the same
> message when I'm reading the newsgroup.  This is the 2nd thread this week
> where I've been getting lots of email responses.

consider what you're asking.  shall we ask deja news to put a filter in for
you too?


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