a newbie question: how do i upgrade my bind 4.9.7 to latest version

Barry Margolin barmar at bbnplanet.com
Fri Aug 27 21:53:09 UTC 1999

In article <Pine.LNX.3.96.990828061337.413A-100000 at compaq.col.com.ph>,
 <darkwing at compaq.col.com.ph> wrote:
>	i just want to ask if how and what will i do if i want to upgrade
>my current version of bind which is version 4.9.7-1 to the latest version
>of 8.x something.. I know that the configuration of version 8 is different
>from version 4 which uses named.conf instead of named.boot but i just want
>to know if do i need to change my bind programs & utils (eg. named,
>named-xfer etc.)?? Hope to hear from u guys ASAP.. Thanks and God Bless..

Of course you have to change your bind programs -- that's what the upgrade
is all about.  The programs that change are named, named-xfer, and ndc
(which used to be a shell script, but is a C program in BIND 8.2).

You will need to convert your named.boot into named.conf, which can be done
using the named-bootconf script that comes with BIND 8.  And you'll need to
add $TTL directives to all your primary zone files, because BIND 8.2
doesn't use the SOA record to get the default TTL.

Barry Margolin, barmar at bbnplanet.com
GTE Internetworking, Powered by BBN, Burlington, MA
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