a newbie question: how do i upgrade my bind 4.9.7 to latest version

Christian Krackowizer kra1 at technodat.co.at
Mon Aug 30 09:24:38 UTC 1999

At 21:53 27.08.1999 GMT, you wrote:
>You will need to convert your named.boot into named.conf, which can be done
>using the named-bootconf script that comes with BIND 8.  And you'll need to
>add $TTL directives to all your primary zone files, because BIND 8.2
>doesn't use the SOA record to get the default TTL.

as this $TTL stuff comes up more than twice a week, I would be nice to add
it to named-bootconf ...
for 8.1.x users, it would be great to display a message while 'make
install' (see apache's 1.3.x Makefiles)

| Krackowizer Christian               mailto:kra1 at technodat.co.at |
| TECHNODAT                           Phone: ++43-(0)662-454944-0 |
| CAD/CAM - Systeme fuer Moebel GmbH  FAX:   ++43-(0)662-454944-9 |
| Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 6            http://www.technodat.co.at/ |
| A-5020 Salzburg / Austria                                       |

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