'reject' list in the ISC DHCPv6 client

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Thu Mar 3 07:51:07 UTC 2011

Carsten Strotmann wrote:

>We see CPE equipment being rolled out that has a DHCPv6 server enabled
>that cannot be disabled by the user/owner. This is problematic if there
>is a full featured ISC DHCP server deployed, but the CPE is answering

I think the correct answer there is to tell the CPE user/owner to 
return the unit as not fit for purpose - and failing that, "find a 
large axe to reprogram it with".

After many decades we seem to have got most CPE manufacturers sorted 
out with the basics of IPv4, I think all the same problem are going 
to happen with IPv6 :-/

Simon Hobson

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