Changing output from error to info

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Nov 11 23:43:22 UTC 2014

On 11/10/14 10:59 AM, Shawn Routhier wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2014, at 10:46 AM, sthaug at wrote:
>>>> Not clear to me what problem we'd be solving by making this change.
> The problem we would solve is to more properly align the message groupings.

Sorry to be pedantic, but what you just did was a statement of work, 
it's not a problem. The problem would be something along the lines of, 
"Because the messages are misaligned, I see the following bad things 
happen: ..."

I haven't seen a problem statement that even comes close to justifying 
this change.

> So somebody who doesn't want to see these in their syslog would be able to avoid
> them.

But someone who doesn't want to see those messages already has numerous 
options. The best/most obvious one is to properly configure your service 
so that you don't get those errors. I would argue that the errors 
deserve to be errors, since if you see them it means that you missed at 
least one (arguably more) configuration steps.

FWIW, my vote is to not make this change.


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