Impossible condition at dhc6.c:4109.

Cathy Almond cathya at
Fri May 23 14:31:40 UTC 2014

On 22/05/2014 22:51, John Newlin wrote:
> Version: dhcp-4.1-ESV-R5
> OS: Linux
> Kernel version:
> libc:  ucLibc xxx (not sure the exact version)
> Log:
> The dhcp server was set with very short preferred lifetimes, 5 minutes
> (not exactly sure).
> DHCP server changed pools, so old address would depref or expire and
> we'd pick up a new address.
> What seems to happen in dhc6.c is:
>  old address id DEPREF'd
>  the client state goes back to INIT
>  do_check_times gets called and hits this case because there is an
> address that isn't marked as expired, it is marked as DEPREF.
> Has anyone seen this before, and know if it's fixed in a more recent image?

I can't see anything similar that's been reported, or that's been fixed
between DHCP 4.1-ESV-R5 and the latest 4.1-ESV-R9.

If you wouldn't mind, could you confirm that it still exists on current
versions of DHCP, and then report it to us officially (email to
dhcp-bugs at or use the bug reporting form on our website:

If you can reproduce it reliably, please give us the steps.

If it's not readily reproducible, then we'll need a core dump, binary
and libs and anything else that you have to try to track down the root

More details on what to collect/how to submit etc.. can be found here:



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