DHCPv6 and MAC Address inclusion

José Queiroz zekkerj at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 00:42:29 UTC 2012

2012/1/24 <scott_stone at trendmicro.com>

> here's our situation.  We have datacenters all over.  We have maybe 1 guy
> who is local on-site, all our other ops people are thousands of miles away.
>  We rack 100 servers, let's say.  mostly this is done by consultants who go
> in and rack and cable things.  We assign static IPMI IP addresses based on
> rack location, so that's all our ops people know.
> Now they go to inventory all these machines - they boot them through the
> IPMI console into a minimal linux environment of my own design that
> inventories the hardware and sends an xmlrpc call to our inventory database
> with this info.  So now these 100 anonymous machines are identifiable on
> the network.. how?  they have no hostname, no operating system with a DUID,
> only the interface MAC addresses to uniquely identify them.  This is where
> DHCPv4 works well, the ops people can then go into our database and find
> the unprovisioned hosts by MAC, and assign IP/hostname info.  The
> automation then populates DHCPv4 and DNS tables with the appropriate
> information, and the machines can then be kickstarted with their correct
> network values set.
Hi, sorry if this is a naive view. But, doesn't auto-assignment with
EUID-64 suffixes attends your needs? This way you'll have a fixed IPv6
address, which haves a strong association with the MAC Address, and better,
is predictable if you know the MAC address of the interfaces.
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