"Peer holds all free leases"

Pooja Gada GPooja at novell.com
Fri Aug 27 04:58:32 UTC 2010

The split value is primarily used to indicate the load balancing between the primary and secondary DHCP server.  

There are three possible split values 
255 - Primary answers all the requests 
0 - Secondary answers all the requests 
128 - Both the primary and secondary reply in an even manner  

The man page suggests that the only meaningful value for the Split is 128 (For load Balancing) 

In any of the above cases, if any of the server fails , remaining server should be able to allocate the IP addresses in free state.

>>> "Ausmus, Matt" <mausmus at chapman.edu> 8/26/2010 10:51 PM >>>

I have a question about setting the Split Value to 255.  Everything I’ve read says to leave the split value at 128 because this generates an even split between the two servers.  Does setting the Split Value to 255 still allocate free IPs in a 50/50 manner while both servers are up but if one server fails it allows the remaining server to access all free leases if needed? 
I’m using CentOS 5.5 which is using rpm package dhcp-3.0.5-23.el5. 

Matt Ausmus 
Network Administrator 
Chapman University 
635 West Palm Street 
Orange, CA  92868 
mausmus at chapman.edu 
"Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man." 

            -Bucy’s Law 

From: Jiri Popelka [mailto:jpopelka at redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 4:39 AM
To: Users of ISC DHCP
Subject: Re: "Peer holds all free leases" 

On 08/26/2010 01:09 PM, Pooja Gada wrote: 
Hi , 
I have been observing certain issues with the failover set up i currently have. 
I have been hitting this particular issue when i set the Split Value to 255. 
Initially the Address Allocation for the clients works fine , and the primary and the failover server are always in sync. 
Now when i bring down the primary server , secondary is not able to allocate all of the IP addresses which are free in the pool, after a certain time , it logs the message 
"Peer holds all free leases". 
 And i am certain that there are certain IP addresses which are in free state and hence can be allocated , but are not allocated by the secondary server. 
Now when i bring up the primary server , the primary is able to allocate all of the remaining IP addresses. 
Can you let me know what may be causing this issue ? 

What is the version of dhcp you are using ?
This problem has been fixed in dhcp-3.1.2.
for Changes since 3.1.1
* A partner-down failover server no longer emits 'peer holds all free leases' if it is able to newly-allocate one of the peer's leases.

Jiri Popelka 
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