DHCP transactions per second

Bruce Hudson Bruce.Hudson at Dal.Ca
Fri Jun 15 12:20:46 UTC 2007

> Both DHCPDISCOVER and DHCPREQUEST values compute to the same tps. Could 
> one conclude that when attempting to compute dhcp tps, you only need to 
> take DHCPDISCOVER 4 way handshakes into account?  

    Dangerous assumption. It is a coincidence. The 2:1 ratio of discovery
to renewal ignores such things as DHCPINFORM packets; something we have
seen Vista make heavy use of. The 2:1 ration of the number of requests
assumes that everybody turns their computers on in the morning and off in
the evening and never reboots during the day. It also assumes that lease
times are 24 hours. 

    The real numbers will be a mixture of discovers and renewals but what
the balance is between them will depend on your population. We see 
different "cultures" that affect the balance just within various parts of
the university. 

    In any case, even with minimal servers you can expect to handle at
least 20 transactions per second so you have much room for error.
Bruce A. Hudson				| Bruce.Hudson at Dal.CA
UCIS, Networks and Systems		|
Dalhousie University			|
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada		| (902) 494-3405

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