Recovering from partner-down

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at
Mon Jan 29 20:28:33 UTC 2007

>Subject: Recovering from partner-down
>From: Aileen Carlstrom <acarls at>
>To: dhcp-server at
>Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:46:30 -0500
>I've been perusing the archives and don't see what I'm looking
>for...which isn't to say it isn't there.  But anyway...
>I'm running two Debian linux systems in a HA failover arrangement.  Both
>are running V3.0.4b3 (the latest and greatest at time of build) and have
>been humming along flawlessly for the better part of a year.
>One of the servers lost its' RAID late last week (the "primary", if this
>makes any difference).  Since an RMA of parts and a total rebuild was in
>order, I put the survivor into partner-down via OMAPI and also set it in
>the leases file to make it persistent.  And that all worked perfectly.
>My "primary" is now rebuilt and the config tests as startable.  What I
>have read on recovery seems to say I can get into a bad state if I do
>things in the wrong order...but no where can I find the right order!
>What do I need to do to go from one server running in partner-down back
>to a proper partnership?
>Thank you!
>Aileen Carlstrom, Systems Administrator,

Hi Aileen

This is a very simple procedure. Start up the failed dhcpd. It will
attempt to connect to its peer. The peer will switch from partner down
to normal automatically.


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