host name

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Fri Jan 12 23:00:30 UTC 2007

Hai Tao wrote:
>you have not answer my main question:
>    for the same computer, the hostname (the hostname of the computer
>itselft) is the same, be either laptop1a or laptop1b, or whatever
>something else. when this computer send a request, which statement will apply?

The server will look for a host declaration with a fixed-address 
which is valid for the clients subnet - eg laptop1a for subnet or laptop1b for subnet If it doesn't 
find one it looks for a host declaration with no fixed-address 

 From 'man dhcpd.conf' :

        When  dhcpd tries to find a host declaration for a client,
        it first looks for a host declaration which has  a  fixed-
        address declaration that lists an IP address that is valid
        for the subnet or shared network on which  the  client  is
        booting.    If it doesn't find any such entry, it tries to
        find an entry which has no fixed-address declaration.

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