host name

Bruce Hudson Bruce.Hudson at Dal.Ca
Fri Jan 12 22:05:55 UTC 2007

>    for the same computer, the hostname (the hostname of the computer 
> itselft) is the same, be either laptop1a or laptop1b, or whatever 
> something else. when this computer send a request, which statement will apply?

    Do not think of it as the name of the host. Think of it as the name of
the host entry in the configuration.

    A host entry may specify a client-id and not a mac address so it may
not have a mac address at alll. DHCP has more flexibility than most people
make use of, which the configuration language has to support.

    A host entry with a fixed IP address only matches if the request comes
from a subnet that matches that address. If you want your system to get
different configuration parameters depending on which subnet it connects
to, you need multiple host entries for the host.
Bruce A. Hudson				| Bruce.Hudson at Dal.CA
UCIS, Networks and Systems		|
Dalhousie University			|
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada		| (902) 494-3405

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