Stork 1.13 Released

Stork 1.13 is the newest development release of our management tool for the Kea DHCP server. Stork is open source, licensed under the MPL 2.0 license. A single Stork server works with Stork agent probes deployed on each of your Kea servers to provide monitoring, including details of the software versions installed, CPU and memory usage, high-availability pairing and status, as well as detailed traffic and activity statistics on leases, DORAs, NAKed offers and so on.

Configuration Management

With this release, Stork is really no longer just a dashboard and monitoring tool. Stork can now provide meaningful configuration control, over not just one Kea server, but your entire deployment of multiple Kea servers.

Subnet Configuration

Subnet configuration is one of the more complex, and error-prone areas of configuration, and one where there is a high likelihood that multiple Kea servers may be able to share configuration information. Most Kea users have configured their servers in a high-availability pair configuration, and a subnet which might be served by either Kea instance will need to be configured on both machines. This is why subnet configuration is the focus for Stork’s initial Kea configuration capabilities.

Subnet View

Stork provides a detailed list of all subnets configured in the managed Kea servers, with their local subnet identifiers. Different Kea servers may use different identifiers for the same subnet.

Usage statistics by subnet are is shown in pie charts.

Subnet view statistics in Stork

Expandable rows display the values of the various DHCP parameters specified at different configuration levels (i.e., subnet, shared network, and global level).

Subnet view parameters in Stork

Finally, the subnet view contains DHCP options specified for the subnet at different levels (i.e., subnet, shared network, and global level). The checkbox allows for filtering to display only subnet-level options.

Subnet view options in Stork

Subnet Editing

Stork 1.13.0 allows the administrator with appropriate permissions to modify an existing subnet if the DHCP servers associated with this subnet have the subnet_cmds hook library installed and loaded. Stork currently doesn’t support modifying the subnet pools.

The Assignments multi-select can be used to associate the subnet with new servers or remove a subnet from the existing servers.

All DHCP parameters except relay configuration can be modified in the form. Typically, the same values are specified and populated to all the DHCP servers. However, it is possible to unlock selected parameters, and specify different values for different servers. In the picture below, different allocators and client classes have been specified for the servers.

Subnet editing form

Similarly, different DHCP options can be specified for different servers.

Subnet form options

Shared Network View

The detailed shared network view begins with listing the servers including the shared network in their configuration. It also shows all subnets belonging to the shared network.

Shared network usage statistics are shown in pie charts. A bug fix included in this release has corrected some statistics that were previously inaccurate.

Shared network pool statistics, with charts

Next, there are DHCP parameters configured for the shared network in different Kea servers. The expandable rows contain the values of these parameters specified at different configuration levels (i.e., shared network and global level). The example shown includes only one Kea server, but if there were more configured, they would be displayed in additional columns. This view allows the administrator to see at a glance whether different Kea servers have different settings for the shared network.

Shared network parameters

Finally, the shared network view contains DHCP options specified for the shared network at different levels (i.e., shared network and global level). The checkbox allows for filtering only shared network-level options.

Shared network view options

LDAP Authentication for Stork Users

The ability to link optional libraries has been a popular and successful feature for Kea. Stork now has its first hook library, to provide Stork user authentication via LDAP. This feature has been in development for several months, as it required implementation of some infrastructure for loading external libraries, but it is now ready for use.

We have based our LDAP integration on the go-ldap library. Because we didn’t have much in the way of detailed user requirements for LDAP, we had a lively discussion both on and off our open Stork GitLab repository about requirements, user preferences, and defaults. It is now possible to designate LDAP as the authentication method for some or all users, although an individual user must be configured to authenticate via one mechanism or the other.

Stork 1.13.0 includes support for reading the user group or role from LDAP and mapping that to a Stork user group for authorization purposes. For example, it is possible to limit access to Stork to users included in a specific group in the LDAP directory. The current release does not support creating or managing user roles in Stork from LDAP, so if you have a user group in LDAP that you want to assign Stork privileges to, you must create a corresponding user group in Stork to implement that. By default, Stork maps the stork-admin LDAP group to the admin role in Stork and the stork-super-admin group to the super-admin role in Stork. These groups may be overridden if needed.


  • For full details on the changes and new features, see the Stork 1.13 Release Notes.
  • Download Stork 1.13 from this web site or install a DEB or RPM package from our package repository. Note that with this release we are now supporting ARM architectures!
  • Please submit bug reports to our open Gitlab development system
  • Ask questions or give us feedback on this tool on the mailing list. See the list information page to subscribe.
  • There are screenshots, and a few design discussions that may interest users linked on the wiki pages of our Gitlab

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