filter-a and dns64 in a ipv6-only network

Thomas Schäfer tschaefer at
Wed Feb 1 12:33:56 UTC 2023

Thank you for your answers.

Of course dns64 breaks dnssec, like any other manipulation of dns 
resource records.
But it doesn't mean that filtering A records breaks dns64, it still only 
breaks dnssec.

So filtering A records and dnssec is mutually exclusive.

I know almost all popular dual stack methods.
e.g. pure dual stack ( at work since 2005)
      ds-lite ( very common in Germany for private users, personally 
since 2018)
      464xlat - used here at mobile by DTAG and WiFi at work

After two decades of dual stack my approach is to see an end of the 
migration. That means single stack IPv6.
One element of it is DNS64 with NAT64.
Another element maybe filtering A records, so clat can be removed. ( 
clat was originally invented for very very old ip stacks/apps - 10 years 

Other people have recently introduced a third way between dual stack and 
ipv6 only called "ipv6 mostly"( RFC 8925)
That is two steps forward and one backward.

Nevertheless the goal is: IPv6 single stack.

I have learned bind/isc is not willing to support such (test) scenarios.

Thanks for the conversation.


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