automatic reverse and forwarding zones

Marco mo01 at
Thu Oct 27 17:23:59 UTC 2022

Am 27.10.2022 um 09:52:55 Uhr schrieb Grant Taylor via bind-users:

> This is a singular IP (presumably link-net) for a customer.  So there 
> would be exactly one forward AAAA and one reverse PTR record.

It isn't, because a customer gets /48 or /56 in most cases. The
customer's router can use various methods to assign addresses, auto
configuration and DHCPv6. If the ISP wants to provide reverse zone for
all possible addresses (ISP doesn't know which one of the assigned are
used by the customer), it must have all reverse zones on their zone
file or dynamically create them when a DNS server receives a request.

> I remember years ago that DHCP servers could be configured to 
> dynamically update the forward and / or reverse zone when providing a 
> lease to a client.

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