rate-limit / nxdomains-per-second

Andreas S. Kerber ask at ag-trek.de
Fri Nov 18 08:52:15 UTC 2022

I've been running with this configuration on some authoritative nameservers for
the last couple of years:

rate-limit {
    responses-per-second 100;
    errors-per-second 1000;
    nxdomains-per-second 1000;
    max-table-size 50000;
    slip 2;

options {
   tcp-clients 5000;

I understand these definitions are considered rather on the upper end of things.

Every once in a while some rather large query bursts come along and triggers
the NXDOMAIN limit (mostly on random names from google, microsoft or yahoo or cloudflare sources):

17-Nov-2022 21:42:45.196 rate-limit: client @0x7fa3dd9b1950 (3uPpY.<somedomain>): rate limit drop NXDOMAIN response to for <somedomain> (1c97f572)

As expected this forces them to use tcp instead of udp. This then quickly fills up the available
"tcp-clients" pool. Which is then of course having negative effects for other clients.

Does anyone want to share their take on how to handle such query bursts?
Is anyone using "nxdomains-per-second" experiencing similar things? Since 1000 seems to be the
maximum, I tend to setting it to 0 to avoid filling up the tcp-clients pool.

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