Dumb Question is an A or AAAA record required?

Anand Buddhdev anandb at ripe.net
Thu Jul 9 12:43:04 UTC 2020

On 09/07/2020 14:21, @lbutlr wrote:

> Given a domain that is hosted and used for email and web, is an A
> record for that domain actually required?

It's not *required*. But see below.

> That is, if bob.tld is hosted by example.com can you simply have
> 	NS ns1.example.com
> 	NS ns2.example.com
> 	MX mx.example.com
> www	CNAME www.example.com
> Without specifying
> 	A

These days, many folk try to reach websites by typing just the bare 
domain name without the "www" prefix.

If a user types "bob.tld" into a browser, the browser will issue an 
address lookup for "bob.tld", causing the resolver to ask for A and AAAA 
records for "bob.tld". If you don't have an A record at the zone apex, 
the browser will not get back any address and display an error message 
for the user. An alert user might try "www.bob.tld" but most users are 
likely to just give up.

So while it's not *required* to have an address record at the apex, it's 
good practice to have one.


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