Log rolling stopped working in 9.11.12 ?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Nov 20 09:54:34 UTC 2019

>>Am 19.11.19 um 18:23 schrieb John Thurston:
>>>A) Should I expect these file permissions be altered by a minor update?
>>>I know I started at 9.11.8 and have updated to 9.11.9 and 9.11.10
>>>without seeing this behavior.

>On 11/19/2019 8:34 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>yes, every by a package owned directory or file has it's permissions in
>>the rpm database and they are ensured everytime a package get updated

>I am certain I didn't need to reapply those file permissions with my 
>earlier version updates. But if this is the expected behavior with 
>each update, then that experience was an outlier. I will explore 
>relocating my logs to a location not affected by package updates.

I see bind 9.11.4 in centos7, where did you pull 9.11.10 from?

>>which is why we don't need to reinstall our Linux boxes all the time
>>when things become messy over the years

On 19.11.19 12:16, John Thurston wrote:
>I find this somewhat humorous I have recently started using linux. I 
>am amazed how often the operating system changes radically, and how 
>short the support windows are . . . when compared to the Solaris 
>environment we are turning off.

yes, it depends on what you are replacing. commercial SW distributions have
longer period than free.

Redhat (commercial) and Centos (redhat-based) have 10-years security
support.  Debian and Ubuntu have 5-years LTS, Ubuntu provides commercial
support for another 3 years (and company freexian tries to provide ELTS for
debian for some time)

However that does not apply for packages outside of centos.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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