bind-users Digest, Vol 1917, Issue 1

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Thu Aug 21 10:03:51 UTC 2014

On 21.08.14 01:17, Bazy V wrote:
>My confusion arises from these 2 sections in replies from
>bind-users Digest, Vol 1916, Issue 2# 4 reply states it "should be"

it could be to read if you have subscribed to non-digest list,
or set your digest to MIME format.

># 4 ----------------->
>>Note that either 0.220/24 wasn't technically correct, it should be:
>>220/24  NS
>>0.220   CNAME   0.220/24

yes, because even your attempt to create /24 RFC 2317 delegation was invalid
- you have delegated one /32 IP. 

But the latter still applies:

>>but that's an overkill as Phil correctly pointed out.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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