No subject

Tue Apr 2 00:56:56 UTC 2013

// Two corporate subnets we wish to allow queries from.
acl corpnets {;; };
options {
     directory "/etc/namedb";           // Working directory
     allow-query { corpnets; };
// Provide a reverse mapping for the loopback address
zone "" {
     type master;
     file "localhost.rev";
     notify no;

Remove the ACL line. Remove the allow-query line. Change the directory
line. Stick it in.

Hmm, didn't work. No "Localhost.rev" file in the sample distribution.
Try to create one.

Section 6.3 has information on the zone file. It even tells me

$GENERATE is used to create a series of resource records that only
differ from each other by an iterator. $GENERATE can be used to easily
generate the sets of records required to support sub /24 reverse
delegations described in RFC 2317: Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation.

$GENERATE 1-127 $ CNAME $.0

Well, RFC 2317 is newer than the last time I played with DNS. It's not
in the distribution. It seems that this is needed. Ok, remove the
NS.SERVER line, use the others as my localhost.rev file.

Didn't work.

At that, I'm out of any sort of premade file guidance. I read the rest
of the manual, try to figure it out, post what I came up with, got
advice and fixes from the list.

Here's my question to you: Have you tried to configure bind using only
the information that comes in the binary distribution? I did, and
posted my problems. I'm hoping that the next binary distribution made
will be easier to set up.

>The "guy" who listed the whole directory is the principal maintainer
of the BIND code.

So this is someone that knows the system inside and out, and knows how
to fill in the gaps in the documentation.

Perhaps a better question: Is the target audience for using BIND
supposed to be people that have only a few minutes to download and
install a package, or people who have the time to download the full
source with samples, compile it, study the examples, and hand craft a
customized configuration file?

Look at "infrastructure unix" ( sometime.
Quoting their first paragraph:

Most IT organizations still install and maintain computers the same
way the automotive industry built cars in the early 1900's: An
individual craftsman manually manipulates a machine into being, and
manually maintains it afterward. This is expensive. The automotive
industry discovered first mass production, then mass customization
using standard tooling.

--- message truncated ---

Brad Knowles <brad at>

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