No subject

Tue Apr 2 00:56:56 UTC 2013

Edited /port/solaris/Makefile.set to point all of the DESTxxx directories
to /usr/xxx instead of /usr/local/xxx

Ran make install successfully

Now, when I try to run named, it complains that it can't open
/usr/local/etc/named.conf (???? I thought I got rid of /local/, re-check
Makefile.set, yup, it says /usr/xxx not /usr/local/xxx)

OK, so it's oh-dark-thirty so I make the /usr/local/etc directory and
link to /usr/etc/named.conf

Successful start and replication.  So far so good.

Now, try to run ndc for status or reload and I get:

ndc: error: ctl_client: evConnect (fd 3): Socket operation in non-socket
ndc: error: cannot connect to command channel (usr/etc/ndc)

???? again...  I could have sworn I pointed all of the execs to
/usr/bin or /usr/sbin.  Go back, double check, yes, pointed to /usr/bin 
(at least that's where the ndc binary ended up).

Look through deja's archive for similar probs, nothing.

Look through the Troubleshooting section of DNS 3rd ed, nothing.

This is not a show stopper (I can work around with links and kill -HUPs
for the moment), but I would like to know what I did wrong or left out of
the Makefile.

- Ed

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