No subject

Tue Apr 2 00:56:56 UTC 2013

resolve either.
when I do a did to our root server it comes back with:
[root at mrtg netadm]# dig @NS10.VWH1.NET

; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>> @NS10.VWH1.NET
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 13
;;, type =3D A, class =3D IN

This is the same response that I get for=20

When I do an nslookup for using the NS10.VWH1.NET as the server I =
just get a list of root servers. =20

Thus from what I understand it means that our root servers are not current =
with our DNS information.  And unless you are inside of our network you =
will not be able to resolve addresss.

Is this correct or am I reading the information wrong?  We have recently =
changed the serial numbers on our db files in order to update the =
If our upstream DNS server is not correct then how (other than changing =
serial numbers) do we get it updated. =20

I am trying to learn DNS so if I am way off track please point me in the =
right direction.

Thank you

Elsie =20


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