allow-query for a zone

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue Jan 17 08:44:08 UTC 2012

>>Whether you set allow-query to none, or remove the zone statement,
>>clients will get an error when they try to query the zone.

On 17.01.12 14:13, Jeff Peng wrote:
>There is a difference when you develop a web interface for DNS system.
>A user can "pause" the domain from web interface, if we remove the 
>zone and records from BIND files, how will we do if user choose to 
>enable the domain?

simply: instead of adding "allow-notify {none;};" when user pauses a 
zone, you remove whole zone definition from the config file. When user 
unpauses, you will re-add the zone to bid config

>But with allow-query none, only adding a statement we can "pause" the 
>domain for querying, but can re-enable it by removing this statement 

The zone can stay on disk, in database etc, even when "paused".

You still need to edit the config file, so there's not big difference.

There's one Barry mentioned: With allow-query_none anyone who queries 
will get REFUSED, when you remove the zone definition they'll get 

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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