GUI for bind

Jorg B. jorg_b at
Mon Mar 28 22:55:14 UTC 2011


I'm looking for a GUI for bind that meets the following requirements:

(1)	Must still be under development (and supported, either commercially or via community support)
(2)	Supports "accounts/groups" that will allow me to create user accounts that are able to modify only zone records assigned to the account/group.
(3)	Administrator access with the permissions to modify any zone record.
(4)	Should support most common features of bind.
(5)	Should support 100's of zone records.
(6)	Should be somewhat easy to use, so that "non-experts" can figure it out.

The product does not have to be free... a commercial product is perfectly fine.
I've spend some time searching around, but most of the GUI products either don't support bind or are no longer maintained...

Any recommendations would be appreciated...


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