Reverse Configuration

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Sun Oct 17 09:25:24 UTC 2010

On 16/10/2010 21:48, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> To be completely clear, unless there is special software on the client
> to deal with PTRs, you really only want ONE PTR for each address. Most
> standard network tools tend to assume only one PTR per address and some
> get very confused when multiple PTRs are returned.

I'm intrigued as to what software it is that gets confused by having
multiple PTRs for IPs?  Given I've been running with exactly that
configuration for many years, and never noticed any problems nor had any

Still, I hope this whole argument will be rendered moot with the advent
of IPv6, where addresses are available in such enormous bounty that the
sensible admin would not only assign an IP per network interface, but
pretty much an IP per service too.  No more fiddling about with TTLs or
waiting for changes to propagate should you need to shuffle things
about, and a natural consequence is that only one PTR would be needed
per AAAA.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
JID: matthew at               Kent, CT11 9PW

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