Opinions about zone configuration

Gary Gladney gladney at stsci.edu
Wed May 26 02:30:15 UTC 2010

We have some people at my site who like a zone configured on our internal DNS server named xxxx.apple.com.  The zone information would not be replicated to our external server but I suggested this is not a good idea basically because the domain name of apple.com and if for some reason this zone information did replicate to our external server it would create some problems.  The reason for using this zone is they want to be able to update MAC's but when they are connected to our site they would use xxxx.apple.com and when they are not connected they would use apple.com.  If anyone else has an opinion about this I would like to hear it.

Thanks in advance.

Gary Gladney
Network Mgr
Space Telescope Science Institute
Email: gladney at stsci.edu
Voice: 410.338.4912
Public Key: ldap://certserver.pgp.com

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