ipv6 dns resolution

Miyone miyone at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 11:00:08 UTC 2009

Hello guys. (I hope this is the right place to ask, otherwise pls. advise me

I have this problem on my ipv6 network and dns setup and i'll appreciate any
input to help me resolve this. My question is: If i point to a subdomain
(ex. ipv6.google.com), how do i resolve to its ipv6 address by default?

To explain further, if I do 'dig' with AAAA RR, it will resolve correctly as

$ dig @my-dns-server ipv6.google.com AAAA +short

However, if i do 'ping6 ipv6.google.com', it cannot resolve the address.

Setup is as follows:
- a separate ipv6-only network
- linux dns server on the ipv6 network that acts as dns forwarder (with
local ipv4 interface) to the ipv4 network
- linux dns server in the ipv4 network running bind 9.6.1-P1
- client is a mac os x 10.6 (if relevant)

There must be something wrong with my setup. Any suggestions on how to
approach this? TIA.

All the best,
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