Make changes en mass [done]

Scott Haneda talklists at
Tue Mar 24 21:16:59 UTC 2009

It should not be too hard.  Since you have such a rock solid format,  
you can safely assume in your case, the last 2 digits are ints always,  
always 2 digits long.

Just find the string of chars you are interested in, and substring the  
last two.  Now you have a number (int) and you can use a little math  
to +1 to it.

The only area you have to be careful in, depending on the language, is  
01 to 09 where the leading zero is going to get lost.  You could use a  
string pad left function to put a zero in, or in this case, just check  
the string length, if it is one, concatenate a zero in front.

On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Todd Snyder wrote:

> I am looking for a clever way to do the new serial number.  Date  
> will do
> the first bit no problem (date +%Y%m%d), but I'd love to find a clever
> way to auto increment the last 2 digits unless it's a new day.  Then I
> could use the same script every time.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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