publish bind9 server

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Fri Jun 5 16:24:07 UTC 2009


On 05.06.09 14:07, Javier Martinez wrote:
> In my current project, we are using a bind9 server to assign web requests
> to different amazon ec2 computers. When a request is incoming, bind server
> (A) resolves the computer that has the specified subdomain and redirects
> the request to that computer (B).

please configure your mailer to wrap lines below 80 characters per line.
72 to 75 is usually OK.

Thank you.

> For example, we have a computer that host the domain "".
> The bind server is where the "" goes. So, the service must
> redirect the request "" to another computer.

> Now I don't know what I have to do to publish this server to work outside.
> If I try to go in my local browser to "" I don't get
> response.

There's nothing like "publish a server". You must delegate the to your server in the, which means, that a maintainer must put there NS records for ""
pointing to your server.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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