slave BIND with split views

Jeff Palmer jpalmer at
Sun Oct 5 18:44:56 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I have setup different views in BIND, and have read several articles about
how to slave them. My current setup is a master NS on one IP,  and the slave
NS has several IP's.

Each slave zone has a "transfer-source" defined, pointing to the master.
The master has a global "also-notify" for every IP on the secondary NS.  I
have also configured each of the IP's on the slave, as one of the
"match-clients" for each view.

According to my research on the issue,  slave zones should transfer fine for
each view.  However, this isn't the case.

On an update, the master sends the notify.
The slave receives the notify.
The slave *always* checks the record from the same IP, apparently ignoring
the transfer-source option. So the only time the slave actually updates,  is
if it was that particular view that updated.

The odd thing is,  if I rm all the zonefiles on the slave, and start it up;
It pulls the correct zonefile for each view. This tells me that the basics
are implemented correctly,  I just need to figure out why notifies go out
from the master,  and the slave always checks the same view, instead of all
the views.

Am I missing something simple?

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Jeff Palmer

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