URGENT, PLEASE READ: 9.5.0-P1 now available

Alan Clegg Alan_Clegg at isc.org
Fri Jul 25 16:22:36 UTC 2008

Emery Rudolph wrote:
> I have seen so many threads of problems with so many of the post-cache-bug
> versions of BIND that I doubtful that any of them are safe to use. I know
> that the ISC people had to rush these products out because of the cache
> problem, so I don't fault them, but I have to wonder if the cure is worse
> than the disease?

No, the disease is fatal.  While painful, the problems being seen when
running the -P1 code are usually not fatal, and ISC is working (with
community help) on getting new code out for the people that are seeing
the problems.

There are many reports of people having problems, but I think that the
percentage of successful installs of -P1 highly outweigh the number of

Even for people with issues, the vast majority of "problems" that are
being seen with the -P1 code are not show-stopping (higher than normal
CPU and lower query rates).  Those issues are being worked on and the
next "dot release" (9.4.3 and 9.5.1) should address them.

Please, PLEASE, deploy the -P1 code.

ISC fully understands the need for stability and quality code.  We
strive for both, but as you have noted, this issue (and related
operating system dependent issues that we were not aware of) has been
extremely stressful for everyone involved.

> I don't mean to bitch about things, but I just don't have time to chase down
> possible remedies that are unproven. I hope that a concrete cause can be
> found, so that we can make concrete plans for addressing the issue. If it's
> an actual sizing limitation - tell us. if it's a thread problem - tell us.
> Just do the due diligence and get it right so we can nail the issue.

I understand your frustration, but without quality bug reports and the
debugging information that the engineers need to track down the
problems, we are unable to narrow down possible causes.  We are working
night and day on addressing the issues.

I don't speak for ISC, but I do work here.


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