Developing against libbind

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at
Tue Jul 8 18:51:35 UTC 2008

    "man resolver" just gets me the documentation of how to use 
    /etc/resolver.conf - what I'm looking for is some documentation of an 
    API to resolve DNS names, including A, MX, PTR and SRV records from a C 
    application we're developing.  I've read about Bind's resolver library 
    and was hoping to use that.
    - Our application links to bind resolver library to process DNS calls
    - The bind library contacts the local lwresd, which gets the info from 
    the DNS (our nameservers, which run Bind 9.5)
    - The bind library passes the result back to the application

You might consider using the NLnet Labs lib dns library. See for details.


Disclaimer: I do work for NLnet Labs.

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