Root Hints.

Chris Thompson cet1 at
Tue Feb 5 14:06:08 UTC 2008

On Feb 5 2008, Haim [Howard] Roman wrote:

>Thanks.  In my old root file (Nov 1, 2007), the TTLs for the NS records
>was 3600000.  In the output of the dig command below, the TTL is
>518400.  Is the new one correct, or does it matter?
>(in both, the TTL of the A records is 3600000)

I expect your "old root file" was obtained from

(or; or the file name might be named.cache or db.cache:
there are lots of versions of essentially the same thing). You will find
that still has all the TTLs set to 3600000.

It doesn't matter. The status of the root hints file is essentially that
of a referral. BIND will always prefer to believe the NS rrset that it
actually gets from a root nameserver, including the TTLs.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at

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